GCF of 256 and 89 Enter GCF or LCM numbers:Determine GCF(256,89)
GCF = Largest factor that divides numbers
Determine the factors for 2561,2,4,8,16,32,64
Determine the factors for 891,89
List the common factors1
GCF(256,89) = 1
You have 1 free calculations remainingGCF(256,89) = 1
Evaluate GCFSince GCF = 1, they are relatively prime (co-prime)
Since GCF ≠ 1 and have a difference of two, the numbers are not twin prime
Biography Matilda Ledger (born 28 October 2005) is a beautiful celebrity and child actress from the United States. Michelle Williams and the late Heath Ledger are her parents.
Her father, Heath Ledger, was an Oscar-winning actor who passed away at the very young age of 28 from a prescription drug overdose. He is best remembered for his outstanding performance in movies like 10 Things I Hate About You, The Patriot, Brokeback Mountain, and The Dark Knight.
Max Scherzer is on the move again. The right-handed pitcher, who was traded from the Washington Nationals to the Los Angeles Dodgers in July, was one of the big names available during MLB's offseason free agency signing period. And the New York Mets have emerged victorious in the Scherzer sweepstakes.
The deal is worth $130 million over three years, and reportedly includes a full no-trade clause and an opt-out after two seasons.
NYC based Jake Lancer has just unveiled his debut single “Feel Your Love”. The new track is the first song off of his forthcoming EP Take Off! set for release later this year.
“Feel Your Love” is an electronic pop dance anthem of decadence. The song is a personal account of the singer not feeling comfortable in his skin as a gay closeted man. Trying to fill the void of personal confidence and acceptance, Lancer instead looked to others for validation which ended in disaster.
Jenna Barrette Obituary: A vibrant nursing student and talented volleyball player from Kenosha, Wisconsin, whose untimely passing in a tragic accident left her family, friends, and community in mourning. Who was Jenna Barrette?Jenna Barrette was a 21-year-old nursing student and a passionate volleyball player at Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. She tragically met her untimely and heartbreaking end in a devastating accident on July 29, 2023. Jenna was not only known for her vibrant personality and limitless enthusiasm for helping others but also for her unwavering commitment to both volleyball and her nursing studies.